Saturday, May 23, 2020

Is Research Papers Equal Pay For Equal Work?

Is Research Papers Equal Pay For Equal Work?Do the research papers equal pay for equal work theory works for the sake of theory and social control. It has been tested and proven to be a factor in creating fear, insecurity, and self-defeating behaviors within the academic system, and in all areas of business, government, and industry.What makes the research papers equal work theory so powerful is that it encourages you to believe that research papers which are more difficult to produce will bring you lower wages. What this means is that you will need to work harder to get ahead in the market and receive the same pay as other workers with similar levels of education and experience. In short, there will be no difference in pay between the average worker who writes research papers for the test versus the average worker who produces research papers which are easy to produce and have a greater chance of being published in a journal.Another element of the equal work theory is the idea that competition is the key to success in business and industry. And, the proof that competition is the key to success comes from the fact that the largest corporations (in terms of total value of their wealth) are those that are the most competitive. The more competitive they are, the larger the portion of profits goes to their shareholders. They become more successful, and therefore, the more successful they become.Also, the research papers equal pay for equal work theory says, 'Winner takes all' type companies will generally succeed because of their ability to identify an asset which is more valuable than the other competitors. This means that the corporation will be able to promote that asset by developing a product that is unique and valuable. For example, a system which tracks business statistics would be very valuable to any corporation which does its business in this way.When writing a research paper, there is the belief that the more complex and advanced the paper, the better it will be able to compete with other similar papers written by others who may not be as skilled or as experienced as the one who wrote it. And, the research papers equal pay for equal work theory says that you must be able to write a paper which is based on scientific concepts and which addresses multiple disciplines. Any other approach will likely not be successful.So, if you want to write a paper that will have an opportunity to be published, you must first know that you can write such a paper. Otherwise, the theory says that the academic system will not be open to you. The basic idea is that you must actually come to the conclusion that you are a capable writer who can write a well-written paper without regard to the popularity of the topic.Some would say that these two elements of the equal work theory may actually encourage competition among the academic scholars in academia, but I would say that it is a very dangerous thing. Competition drives efficiency, and efficiency lead to profit. Profit equals money.The research papers equal pay for equal work theory will basically take that money away from the people who are producing research papers which are 'difficult to write' and they will just hand that money over to the academics who are producing research papers which are easy to write and will be published in the highest demand journals in the world. And, the academic scholars who write the most advanced research papers will enjoy a greater number of publications and a higher level of recognition in their field.

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